Sunday, July 8, 2007

what is your sin?

Pride~Excessive belief in one's own abilities, it has been called the sin from which all others arise, pride is also known as VanityGreed~The desire for material wealth or gain, it is also called covetousnessEnvy~The desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation Wrath~Manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury, it is also known as anger Lust~An inordinate craving for the pleasures of the bodyGluttony~An inordinate desire to consume more then that which one requiresSloth~The avoidance of physical or spirtual work


mepatheticlife8772 said...

the three main ones for me from least to greatest is 1)Lust2)Wrath3)Pride =^-^=~*Stan*~

avidatne23 said...

Mine is lust...lust for Orlando Bloom and that sexy, sexy picture! *mental orgasm*

adonsmesiiah9750 said...

mine are:sadly.. evnywrathlustand slothroar! im grumpy!cryz

und1m770 said...

i'm envy too.

Anonymous said...

*uncontrolable humping*

aintoyursugarpie9 said...

Lust, huh? Stan's a horny boy.